1·Jackson was the winner for a second successive year.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
2·Jacksonwas the winner for a second successive year.
3·Harvard University ranks the top first for a eighth successive year.
4·The region is in its fourth successive year of economic growth averaging a steady 5%.
5·Labourers who have worked for one successive year or more shall be entitled to an annual vacation with pay.
6·Each successive year brought some level of refinement until it became the developerWorks that we know and love.
接下来的每一年都进行了某种水平的细化,最终成为今天我们所热爱的 developerWorks。
7·The surge in the cost of jet fuel is expected to plunge the global airline industry into a fourth successive year of losses.
8·After successive years of improvement, the first quarter of this year saw a big reversal, with energy intensity increasing by 3.2%.
9·2008 marks the 6th successive year for Red Gate Gallery to host the Philip Hayden Foundation: Contemporary Printmaking Calendar and Exhibition.
10·Now rebranded as the fa Community Shield, the showpiece will feature Arsenal for a third successive year when they face Manchester United in August.